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Orange Cable Ties (Zip Ties) - Pack of 100 - 4.8mm x 300mm

from only £2.20 (ex.VAT) £2.64 (inc.VAT)
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Product Code:NETTIES100OR
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Order 1 - 9 Packs  £3.95 £4.74
Order 10-49 Packs  £3.65 £4.38
Order 50-119 Packs  £2.95 £3.54
Order 120+ Packs  £2.20 £2.64

Our orange cable ties are perfectly suited for use with our range of debris netting, scaffold sheeting or even tarpaulins. If using with a standard 2x50m roll of netting, we recommend 1x pack of 100 cable ties per roll. Our cable ties are 4.8x300mm and are available in black, clear, and a wide range of colours.

Cable ties are available in blackcleardark greenblueyelloworange and red.
Size 4.8mm x 300mm 
Colour Orange
Pack Qty 100
Material Nylon 6,6
Our high quality nylon 6,6 cable ties are packed in 100's as standard. They can be tightened by hand or using a tensioning tool.  The majority of our standard nylon cable ties are tested before leaving the factory by an independent testing company to ensure the highest levels of quality and strength.
  • Material - Nylon PA66
  • Standard - UL Approved
  • Military - 23190E
  • Working Temp - -40oC to +85oC
  • Self Extinguishing Class - UL94V2
  • ROHS Compliant - Yes
  • Zero Halogen - Yes

The majority of our standard cable ties are tensile tested randomly before leaving the factory to ensure they are at least meeting, but in the majority of cases well exceeding the minimum tensile strengths quoted below:

  • 4.8mm Wide Cable Ties –22.2kg (50lbs)